Kulttuuriyhdistys Kuvion toimistolla vietetään helmikuuta kansainvälisissä merkeissä! Saimme työharjoitteluun Tansanialaisen Tonyn, joka muutti viime vuoden lopulla Forssaan. Tony toimi kotimaassaan koruyrittäjänä ja on meillä harjoittelemassa koko helmikuun ajan.
Nyt pääsette lukemaan hänen mietteitään mm. Tansanian ja Suomen eroavaisuuksista, kulttuurista, ihmisistä, ja muutamista ihmetyksen aiheista.
Tämä haastattelu toteutettiin englanniksi ja vastaukset ovat Tonyn itsensä kirjoittamia. Kuvat löytyivät Tonyn omista arkistoista.
Haastettelun lopusta löytyvät tiedot TONYN KORUTYÖPAJASTA, johon kaikki ovat tervetulleita!
Nyt pääsette lukemaan hänen mietteitään mm. Tansanian ja Suomen eroavaisuuksista, kulttuurista, ihmisistä, ja muutamista ihmetyksen aiheista.
Tämä haastattelu toteutettiin englanniksi ja vastaukset ovat Tonyn itsensä kirjoittamia. Kuvat löytyivät Tonyn omista arkistoista.
Haastettelun lopusta löytyvät tiedot TONYN KORUTYÖPAJASTA, johon kaikki ovat tervetulleita!
My first impression about Finland after I landed, I noticed it is very clean, with beautiful nature around and it seemed to me that everything is well organised.
What are your thoughts about Forssa region? What things are different than in your country?
My thoughts about Forssa region is a quiet town, more calm and it real gives peace of mind for people that doesn´t like to live in the big city. Where for my opinion in big cities there´s too much everything and it can be stressful most of the time.
And theres a big difference comparing to my country Tanzania in many ways:
First: In recycling we don´t have good system of putting the trash away and its easily to see trash around like bottles and plastic bags. Even when we collect trashes, we normally dig a big hole in the land, put trashes in and burn, which is not very healthy because of the smoke that goes in the air.
Second: We have a lot of street vendors who are selling this and that and mostly you can get anything in the street without going to the shop. While here, you can find most of basic needs in the supermarkets and other shops depending to your needs.
Third: In Tanzania we have more social life and people greet each other even when they don´t know each other mostly. Neighbours they always have good contacts to each other and not so often to pass each other without any greetings. When it comes to death, your family expect the whole neighborhood will come to your home just to comfort you. Likewise, when it comes for weddings and other ceremonies while people will join and do it together.
Fourth: In healthy system, while here you need to book the appointment to see the doctor, in Tanzania you just go to the hospital and stay in the line to see a doctor.
About Finnish culture, still I am trying to find out, because in my home country we have more than 120 tribes that speak their own languages. Although we have Swahili as the national language and English as the second language that connecting us all no matter we have different tribes. But every tribe they have different way of dressing and every tribe have their own traditional dances, activities and such kind of things.
People, I think Finnish are little shy but also curious when they meet a foreigner, proud of their country, but also very honest people but not very social to strangers. Except when they get to know you, then they are very friendly.
Food, you can find almost every food depending to your needs, but in my home country people are eating more salty.
What makes you wonder, what is beautiful?
What makes me wonder is to see the snow because it´s something that we don´t have in my country and for me it looks so white and beautiful to experiance such a thing. And of course Sauna too.
If you were a traveller, how you would develop services and other things, to get things done, make you feel welcome?
If you were a traveller, how you would develop services and other things, to get things done, make you feel welcome?
In Tanzania we have a quote that says: ´One hand wash another hand´ which is similar to ´Unit is strength´, although that everything depend on you, but still we need each other. We have big technology in this century, internet and other stuffs, so if I am travelling, I can use my partners in work, internet, such kind of things to get things done. Still also working together in harmony and well cooperative with other workmates is such a beautiful thing that makes you feel like you are one family and it can make me feel more welcome in one way to another. So its all about being social and working together as one thing.
What culture and arts have ment to you in your life? Why its important to have in peoples life?
For me every culture and arts mean a lot, if you using in a positive way. Its all about being creative, keep focus and efforts, trust in what you do, learning and keep trying. Every people have the right to do anything that he feels as long it don´t harm no one. So if you have any talent, you can use it for you and for others in need too.
Kuvio vierailee Ystävän Kammarilla pidettävässä käsityökerhossa torstaina 15.2. klo 18.
Kotimaassaan koruyrittäjänä toiminut Tony näyttää miten afrikkalaisia koruja valmistetaan.
Ota kaveri mukaan ♥ Tervetuloa!
Ystävän Kammari: Hämeentie 5, 30100 Forssa
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